Release Note for Configure Version 7.3. 08-August-2006 Release Note for Configure Version 7.0., the first major release for AAOmega, are also included at the end of this document. Changes implemented in Version 7.0 ---------------------------------- This is the first public release of Configure ti use the new Simulated Annealing configuration algoritham. A version which implements the origional "Oxford" is also included. The GUI display has been altered to show a bar graph of the results of an allocation. For information on the new routine, see : and Papers by Brent Miszalski: arXiv:astro-ph/0607125 To run the software, download the tar file and unpack: tar -zxvf configure-7.3.Linux.tar.gz Set the environment variables tcsh setenv CONFIG_FILES /path/configure-7.3.Linux/data_files/ download the latest_config_files from the ftp site (into the data_files directory) and then run configure with : configure-7.3.Linux/configure --- For the Simulated Annealing code or configure-7.3.Linux/configureTrad --- For the origional "Oxford" algoritham Changes implemented in Version 7.0 ---------------------------------- When using the AAOmega system, there are now 8 guide fibres per field plate. There are 392 science fibres per field plate. There are now 3 field plate options. The 2dF top end system only has two field plates, Plate 0 and Plate 1, which each have 392 science fibres and 8 guide fibres. There is a field Plate 2 option in Configure7.0. Field Plate 2 is a hybrid of the system. It has the maximum number of 'broken' fibres, having those from Plate 0 and Plate 1. When configuring with Plate 2 the tolerances of fibre position are increase to ensure that the configuration produced will be fully valid on BOTH Plate 0 and Plate1. This feature is intended for special fields, such as standard star frames, and should not be used for general configurations due to the loss of fibres and positioning efficiency. AAOmega is a dual beam spectrograph, but is essentially only a single spectrograph. All fibres are allocated to both arms of the spectrograph. This is distinct from 2dF where 200 fibres where allocated to each of 2 spectrographs, each with only one arm. Differential atmospheric effects mean that it is important to specify the central wavelength for which fibres should be positioned on the sky. For a target list with multiple science goals it may be desirable to configure targets optimised at different central wavelength. This mode is not yet implemented and all fibres are configured for a single central wavelength. Therefore, target types in the in the .fld file of P1,P2 and P are identical at this time. Any questions regarding this release of configure should be addressed to Chris Ramage or to Rob Sharp